What is Enter & View?

We have a legal power to visit health and social care services and see them in action. 

This power to enter and view services offers a way for us to identify what is working well with services and where improvements could be made. 

An Enter & View visit is an opportunity to:

  • See and hear how health and social care services are provided.
  • Collect the views of service users, carers/relatives and staff.
  • Observe services.
  • Report back findings and make recommendations.
  • Get an action plan from managers to address recommendations.

What is an Authorised Representative?

Authorised Enter & View Representatives have undergone robust training to ensure they can conduct an Enter & View visit that correctly captures the thoughts and experiences of service users.

Our representatives

  • Jason Griffiths
  • Deborah Attwood
  • Linzi Pearson
  • Carly Houghton
  • Katie Chiverton
  • Kate Coxon
  • Nick Griffiths
  • David Stenson

Volunteering roles

If you are interested in volunteering with us we have a variety of roles and something to suit everyone.

Learn more about our roles

Join us today

Talk to us about our volunteering opportunities and we can work with you to find something that suits you. 

Contact us