Patient experience of hospital journeys: how can we make communications work better?

Most patients want to know what is happening to them and require information tailored to meet their individual circumstances. We wanted to find out the experiences of people in Dudley borough.


We had conversations with patients over a six week period to find out how communications with staff were working for people in Dudley borough. We found that people were happy with care from staff there was some confusion with treatment for some patients. There is an opportunity to use the voluntary sector to support patients who are lonely.

Key outcomes

  • Patients expressed the need for more time and meaningful conversations with hospital staff about their care.
  • Some patients had trouble with understanding the discharge process and the available support after leaving hospital.
  • The majority of patients were happy with the care they received in hospital.

“The care in hospital was very good."

-Linda, Patient


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Patient experience of hospital journeys: How can we make communications work better?

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