A Vision Strategy for Dudley Borough
However, certain minority ethnic groups, as well as those with learning disabilities or dementia, are not accessing eyecare services as much as they should be.

The purpose of the Dudley Vision Strategy is to assess the state of eye health in the Dudley Borough, identify eye care services being provided, and identify opportunities to improve eye health and eye care services
Key outcomes
- Demand for eyecare services and help for people with sight loss is growing alongside an ageing population.
- Partnership working and coordinated activity on a much bigger scale is needed to deal with the main causes of sight loss (obesity, diabetes, smoking and high blood pressure).
- Good things are happening in the Dudley borough including the new and innovative Healthy Living Optician Scheme – the first of its kind in England.
“I am very pleased, on behalf of the Dudley Vision Strategy Stakeholder Group, to remark on the strong commitment and determination of all those involved to produce a ground breaking Vision Strategy for the Dudley Borough."
-Chief Officer. Healthwatch Dudley
If you need this report in a different format, please email hello@healthwatchdudley.co.uk or call 03000 111 001.