Addressing loneliness and isolation in the face of voluntary sector cuts

A case study on addressing loneliness and isolation in the face of voluntary sector cuts, specifically focusing on Age UK Dudley Day Centres.


The day centres at Age UK Dudley and The Beacon Centre provide essential support and companionship to older, vulnerable, and isolated individuals. 

The closure or reduction of funding for these day centres would have a significant negative impact on the individuals who attend. It would lead to increased loneliness, isolation, and potential deterioration in physical and mental health.

Key outcomes

  • These centres offer activities, meals and a sense of community that helps combat loneliness and improve overall wellbeing.
  • Regular healthy meals are provided at the day centres, which is particularly important for clients who cannot cook for themselves due to poor mobility.
  • Essential transport links, such as Ring and Ride and volunteer drivers, are crucial for visitors to access the day centres.

“I love coming here, having lunch and meeting people over a game of bingo or taking part in a quiz, it’s my lifeline.” 


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Addressing loneliness and isolation in the face of voluntary sector cuts.

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