Infants and young children: their healthcare journeys

We were tasked with gathering information that would help us to better understand infants and young children’s healthcare journeys.


TWe gathered a total of 43 stories from conversations with mothers, fathers, and other family members. The intention was to improve understanding of why parents and carers decide to take different types of action and approach different healthcare services for help when a child is unwell.

Key findings

  • Younger parents and carers tend to get overly anxious and go straight to the hospital when their child is unwell.
  • Parents and carers who are working may find it difficult to schedule appointments.
  • There is a need for better communication and understanding between parents and carers and healthcare staff.

There is a need for a clear and effective healthcare pathway for infants and young children, with collaboration between different services and the involvement of parents and carers in the design and delivery of services.


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Infants and young children: their healthcare journeys

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