Annual report 2020-21

As health and care services swiftly responded to the pandemic by finding new ways of working, Healthwatch Dudley also found new ways of engaging with local people.


We supported Dudley CVS to match people who were shielding, with volunteers who delivered essential food and medication supplies.  

We went on to capture their views so these experiences could help to shape what future support might look like should people need to shield again. 

This report shares a snapshot of how we have spent an extraordinary year listening and influencing.

Key outcomes

  • We held 11 online events where 295 people have zoomed in to connect.
  • We supported Dudley CVS to help 984 people who were shielding.
  • We published 5 reports covering a wide range of views and experiences.


If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 03000 111 001

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Annual report 2020-21

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