Annual report 2022-23

Our annual report celebrates 10 years of Healthwatch Dudley and highlights the changes we have made in the past year as well as the past decade. We look forward to the future and plans to reach more members of our community.


The past 12 months were a rollercoaster for Healthwatch Dudley. With a restructure and a brand new team. However, we have continued to champion the voices of local people and successfully deliver projects.

Key findings

  • We worked with seldom heard groups including: 
    • Migrant communities
    • Homeless and vulnerably housed people
    • Autistic and learning-disabled people
    • Deaf people
    • Elderly Asian people
  • We share stories of people we helped access the services they need.
  • We share our plans for the future.


If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 03000 111 001

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Annual report 2022-23

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