Young people's views on emotional health and wellbeing

Dudley Youth Health Researchers explored the health and social care issues that mattered to local young people.


Dudley Youth Health Researchers, a group of 27 young people, conducted a project to discover young people's experiences of health and social care. They reached out to people online, through surveys and face-to-face conversations. 

Key outcomes

  • 1160 young people shared their views.
  • The voices of young people were heard by decision-makers in health and social care.
  • The research was nationally recognised with two awards.

“I think that the skills and information I have developed throughout both the NHS Youth Forum and Youth Health Researchers will really help me in the future. Whether I want to go into the healthcare industry or I want to be a brain surgeon, the skills such as commitment, communication and confidence will stay with me for the rest of my life and will have a huge positive impact on my future.”

-Megan, Dudley Youth Health Researcher 


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Youth Health Researchers -Results

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