Annual report 2016-17

After an award winning year, this report summarises the work Healthwatch Dudley have done for the local community.


The past year we have been listening to people in their homes, at meetings and events, in day centres, housing schemes and through our network of Community Information Points. We have continued to respond to people who called our helpline. The stories shared by local people have helped us to provide reliable information and make positive change to health and social care services.

Key outcomes

  • We provided a list of accredited opticians to Dudley borough Extra Care Housing scheme managers to ensure residents receive good service.
  • Our work with the Deaf community in Dudley has led to the introduction of vibrating pagers in outpatient waiting areas across the Trust so hearing impaired patients can know when it is their turn to be seen.
  • During the last year our reports have influenced decision makers and supported how local services are planned and delivered.

Our work is more important than ever as Dudley moves forward with transforming how health and care services are delivered.  We want to make sure that a wide range of people with different experiences are heard, to ensure that future services really do reflect the needs of our communities.


If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 03000 111 001.

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Annual report 2016-17

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