Annual Report 2018-19

Our annual report summarises the work that we have done to reach out to the community and champion the voices of local people.


This report highlights the work done over the past year to address our top three priorities: 

  1. Supporting people to have their say
  2. Providing a high quality service to the local community
  3. Ensuring the views of local people are considered in helping to improve health and care

Key findings

  • More than 400 people shared their views
  • We were supported by 33 volunteers and over 150 Young Health Champions
  • We engaged with over 1500 people at 56 community events

This year we have engaged with patients and the public to support a Didley approach to promoting self care. This has led to the development of a resource that can be used to help people have conversations about how we can look after our health and wellbeing.


If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 00000 00 0000.

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Annual Report 2018-19

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