The People’s Network adult social care and you

Summary of an online community forum hosted by Healthwatch Dudley & Dudley Council during the COVID-19 pandemic.


In August 2020, Healthwatch Dudley and Dudley Council teamed up to host an online community forum. People with experience of or an interest in adult social care services and getting access to help since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic were invited to join a friendly online community conversation using Zoom.

Coronavirus has changed life dramatically - lots of barriers... I was due a hospital review and was told not to come in and to do it by phone. I am Deaf and asked to use Zoom but the hospital said they would not use it.

Deaf participant

Key findings

  • The NHS has done a lot of good work during the pandemic but there is scope for more public engagement learning. 
  • Many organisations have started or are working better together in collaborative and joined-up ways that are benefitting the individuals they help and should be sustained and further developed. 
  • There is risk of some individuals being left behind if they can’t access digital services and are not online. Nobody should feel excluded or left out.


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Adult social care and you

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