Experience of Direct Payments and finding a Personal Assistant in Dudley Borough

Healthwatch Dudley teamed up with Dudley Council to find out how people who receive personal budgets are finding the best people to support them.

We found there was a need for improved guidance and support in managing the process of employing a Personal Assistant.


14 people who had employed personal assistants in Dudley shared their experiences. 

​Recommendations from these experiences include peer support, local quality standards, and clearer information. 

Key outcomes

  • Dudley Council Adult Social Care has committed to working with local people to implement the recommendations made in the report.
  • The Direct Payments Café was set up to allow people receiving direct payments to come together and share their experiences.
  • Efforts are being made to improve the information and support provided to people employing PAs.


If you need this report in a different format, please email hello@healthwatchdudley.co.uk or call 03000 111 001.

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Experiences of Direct Payments and finding a Personal Assistant in Dudley Borough

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