Demand for eyecare services is growing, especially with an aging population.
However, certain minority ethnic groups, as well as those with learning disabilities or dementia, are not accessing eyecare services as much as they should be.
With the help and support of our volunteers, staff and Board members, we have exceeded our expectations in making sure the voices of Dudley people are heard in the design and delivery of local health and care services.
The Dudley Urgent Care Centre was opened in 2015 in Russells Hall Hospital. We spoke to patients and observed staff to see what's working well and what could be improved.
Healthwatch Dudley have spent the past year aiming to become the 'go to' listening organisation for Dudley residents who have a story to tell about their health and care.
Most patients want to know what is happening to them and require information tailored to meet their individual circumstances. We wanted to find out the experiences of people in Dudley borough.
Most patients want to know what is happening to them and require information tailored to meet their individual circumstances. We wanted to find out the experiences of people in Dudley borough.
Our first annual report describes the work we have done since Healthwatch Dudley started. We share the efforts of our team of 3 staff and 30 volunteers to listen to the people of Dudley borough. We have also contributed to creating a network of 80 Community Information Champions, this has made it easier for people to access information about health and social care services.
We were asked by the Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group to find out what people who use urgent care in Dudley think about the services. People's views will be used to inform the decision making around proposed new urgent care treatment centre.